Monday, October 17, 2011

A Infinite Dimensional God

There are few things as interesting as a heartbeat, and I wonder how many people think about it on a daily basis. I know I don't, I generally just go through every day with my head buzzing like a beehive. I know I felt my heart beating on Sunday morning though. Jimmy was speaking on the sovereignty of God, basically that we can't question our creator because we don't know what he knows and we don't have His authority. Sounds... harsh...cold...but if you dig deeper and think more about it, it becomes a comfort.
On Sunday, I wasn't questioning God's actions in my own life, but I was questioning what he was doing in the lives of others. This isn't my place...but I am human, and I'm still learning to accept and trust. I felt the hurt that was beating in their hearts, the confusion and the pain, as well as that thread of life tied into their souls that spoke of God's work, and His power in their lives. I questioned his actions though...cause I wondered if they could bear what had been placed on their shoulders. Then I realized... I had made a big mistake.
I have a habit of seeing God in one dimension. What do I mean... I mean, I see God as love, or wrath. I see Him passing judgement or offering forgiveness. Sometimes I see him in 2D, 3D, and sometimes even 4D. When I'm looking at God as only a love, which He is, and He allows painful things to happen to people, suddenly my view of God gets tested. I can choose to allow my knowledge of God, as a good father to his children, to shift my view from 1D to 2D, Now I'm viewing him as a Loving Father, which means then that whatever is happening in their lives is for their good or for God's glory.
Now, at this point my view of God could be tested again, I hear about hundreds of people dying and I know that not all of them could have been Christ followers, God is in my mind a Loving Father. This a point I can shake my fist at Him and say "Why don't you save everyone?" or I can remember that God is also Just. So God is now 3D, he is a Loving and Just Father. If my offend my biological father, as a child he could punish me, if I confessed and apologized before he acted on my punishment he could choose to forgive me and give me pardon, or to forgive me and still punish me. Is not God the same, but He has all wisdom, knows all things, and is perfect, and is now 6D! That's insane!
The list goes on, the more we understand God, the more there is to know. The more we accept the different attributes, or dimensions, God the better we can understand His workings. And the less time we can spend questioning Him, the better and more effectively we can worship and serve Him. So, knowing God and his promises I can safely trust that he has a plan. also,
1 Corinthians 10:13
New International Version (NIV)
"13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."
Now, I wasn't being tempted...was I? Yes, I was being tempted to not trust God, but I was given a way out by my knowledge of Him and His character. And my friend was just having a hard time, not being tempted... No, they were being tempted to try and handle things on their own, and not trust God to have control. We both were tempted and both given a way out. We who have trusted in Christ, have been promised that God will give us the strength to stand against temptation, and an escape when we are not strong enough. I still need to work on this as I continue to grow. Like a heartbeat, sometimes we forget God is there...but he is always giving us life. :)

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