Two words. A simple statement of fact.
I. Believe.
I believe cats exist.
I believe air can be breathed.
I believe we landed on the moon.
I believe in Jesus Christ, Messiah, Holy One, Lamb of God, Savior, Master, Lord, God, Father, Brother, Friend.
I believe.
I've spent years wondering... Why do I believe? Believing in a creator, a god was as natural as breathing to me. I've even tried not believing, and found myself saying to God that I didn't believe in Him... yeah.
It's as ingrained in me as my own DNA, in fact... I could say it is my DNA.
Brains more complex then any computer built by man, (contained in an object the size of a head and made of flesh not electronics), eyes, hands, feet... cells...
Heck, the process by which TREES exist... I only see a creator. A designer. A master in all areas of art.
Do I have a point?
Not really. I just believe in God, I believe he became a man and died for me and every person who walks by me day by day.
And the more time I spent wondering why I believe, the less time I spend behaving like I believe.
Some think we're crazy... believing in something we've never seen, and I don't blame them.
I've got to believe... because, Life would be pointless otherwise.
I could debate, beg, and try to convince anyone who reads this in God, and maybe... I might.
But I couldn't change their hearts, or give them joy that weathers everything, free them from mental/spiritual bondage. I can only believe that God will do that for them.
I won't stop blogging, erratic as it is, and I won't stop striving.
But I think I'll stop asking why, because the answer is "I believe in the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus. That the shedding of his blood cleansed me of sin, and I will be with Him in Paradise. And that I have the opportunity to live a life to it's fullest here on earth until that day."
I guess I did have a point. :)
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