I'll explain the title with the background of the post! So, last night I reached a point of... pure anguish in my soul because I felt trapped in a cycle of sin. This was after an incredible time of prayer my CityGroup did together. I couldn't express how I felt and simply feeling or trying to express verbally to God seemed... weak... as in watered down... over used... The thought of how people used to and sometimes today still do express anguish was often through a primal scream and the tearing of garments, that thought had barely crossed my mind before I found myself holding the torn halves of the shirt I had been wearing. The feeling was exhilarating but short lived when I realized the bottom seam had held. I instantly attributed that unbroken seam to my bondage, my cycle of sin.
Begging and pleading with God I tried and I tried but I couldn't break it. In my desperation I hoped for a miracle to sever it while I held it, and then confessed I didn't believe God actually would do it.
I grew still after that; feeling defeated as though God had turned my back on me in my time of need. In that silence I heard in my spirit, "just take it off, I already freed you." Stunned I tore the shirt off and stared at it... the seam was still unbroken, but it wasn't around me anymore. I had already forgotten something incredible. I recently had gone through the book The Bondage Breaker by Neal T. Anderson, and through the scriptures and prayers God inspired him to point out and write I found freedom from my bondage.
I want to be clear, I accepted Christ, was marked with His blood, sealed into His coming Kingdom, and was forgiven of all sin past present and future at the age of 6. Satan lost me that day, but he did not give up, instead he set traps, and wrapped chains around me and my life until I literally felt suffocated by the weight of them. He did everything he could, and he still will throughout the rest of my life, to keep me from spreading The Word and life of Christ. But Christ within me, and you if you follow him, IS stronger to a degree we can not fathom and the pull of His Will is beyond the dreams of any in creation.
After putting on a new shirt I opened my bible and it opened to Ezekiel 36:16-37:28. The headers in my bible read The Lord's Concern for His Holy Name, I Will Put My Spirit Within You, The Valley of Dry Bones, I Will Be Their God, They Shall Be My People. These verses, taken down from the words of God, show God's longing for his people. He talks about the ways that man defiled, and how God scattered them because of it, then He says 36:22b ESV "It is not for your sake... that I am about to act, but for the sake of my holy name." God has every right, being creator and lord of all, to do things for himself and only for himself. But what He does, throughout the rest of these verses, I view of a father finding his child dirty, damaged, broken, and he brings him into the house (36:24) and he washes him clean (36:25), and mends his wounds (36:26), and restores his status (36:28-30). After a while that the child would remember all he had done, but as he falls into despair the father grabs him and reminds him of all he had done and remind him that it wasn't for him it was for himself to bring honor back to himself through an unworthy son (36:31-38).
It goes on through 37 as God talks about how He will gather the people to himself. This is mainly talking about the Jews, but it was such a powerful picture of the healing that God had just brought me through, I just had to share. Thanks for reading and I hope this blesses you immensely.